The sections For GERM 101, 102, and 103 are flexible For you to enroll in. If you have a conflict between your MWF / TTH classes and a 5-day language class schedule, you can talk with Juliane锡克 (jschicker@carleton) to cross-enroll in 2 sections at the same time. 最后,你必须填写一份 添加/删除卡 报名参加两门课程. 在你和两位教练交谈之后,你可以填写 在线添加/删除卡在这里. 这个表格需要你的德语教授的批准, the professor of the course with which your 德国 course conflicts, 还有你的导师.

未成年人和主修: 不能在你的时间表上安排某一门课程? 是否某门课程在你需要的学期内没有开设? 和我们谈谈,找一个替代者.


  • 101年细菌: 基本的德语

    This course introduces the basic structures of the 德国 language and everyday vocabulary in the context of common cultural situations and authentic and fictional media. 学生 are exposed to all four skills (reading, writing, 听, and 说话).

    6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2023年秋季, 2023年秋季 · Kiley伤害, Juliane锡克
  • 101年细菌: 基本的德语

    This course introduces the basic structures of the 德国 language and everyday vocabulary in the context of common cultural situations and authentic and fictional media. 学生 are exposed to all four skills (reading, writing, 听, and 说话).

    6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2023年秋季, 2023年秋季 · Kiley伤害, Juliane锡克
  • 204年细菌: 中间的德国

    在本课程中, students build on their communication skills to engage in more in-depth spoken and written discussions of 德国-说话 literature, 艺术, 和文化. 通过分析更长的、更有挑战性的文本, 电影和其他文化媒体, 继续复习语法, 写作文, students acquire greater facility and confidence in all four language skills (writing, 说话, 听, 和阅读).

    先决条件:德语103或同等学历 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2023年秋季, 2023年秋季 · 赛斯博地能源
  • 204年细菌: 中间的德国

    在本课程中, students build on their communication skills to engage in more in-depth spoken and written discussions of 德国-说话 literature, 艺术, 和文化. 通过分析更长的、更有挑战性的文本, 电影和其他文化媒体, 继续复习语法, 写作文, students acquire greater facility and confidence in all four language skills (writing, 说话, 听, 和阅读).

    先决条件:德语103或同等学历 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2023年秋季, 2023年秋季 · 赛斯博地能源
  • 267年细菌: 灾难! 德国文学中的自然灾害

    自然灾害真的是自然的吗? 在本课程中, taught in 德国, we will read works of literature and poetry that portray disaster. Focusing on disaster as the site of interaction between humans and the environment, 我们将探讨和讨论现代技术的影响, 当代环境问题, 以及战争阴影下的灾难概念. 从环境正义的角度思考, we will also consider who is impacted by such disasters and in what ways.

    先决条件:德语204或同等学历 6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered 2023年秋季 · Kiley伤害
  • 400年细菌: 综合练习

    研究跨时代或流派的德国文学的一个方面. 1-6 credit; S/NC; offered 2023年秋季, 2024年冬, 2024年春季


  • 102年细菌: 基本的德语

    以德语101所涵盖的材料For基础, this course introduces more complex structures and exposes students to short literary and cultural texts as well as other media. The focus of the course is on all four skills (reading, writing, 听, and 说话).

    先决条件:德语101或同等学历 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2024年冬, 2024年冬 · Kiley伤害, 克洛伊·沃恩
  • 102年细菌: 基本的德语

    以德语101所涵盖的材料For基础, this course introduces more complex structures and exposes students to short literary and cultural texts as well as other media. The focus of the course is on all four skills (reading, writing, 听, and 说话).

    先决条件:德语101或同等学历 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2024年冬, 2024年冬 · Kiley伤害, 克洛伊·沃恩
  • 156年细菌: 德国电影导论:电影、自然与民族

    电影是如何反映和影响文化的, 社会, 以及它们所处的物理环境? How do the complexities of 德国 history offer a special case within 电影 history? 在本课程中, we examine 德国 电影 history through the lens of 环境 critique, from the stylized landscapes of 1920s expressionism to the 电影ic environments of multicultural contemporary 德国y. Topics include propaganda, postwar rubble, and antifascist student-inspired rebel cinema. 每部电影旁边, we will discuss texts and theories that offer frameworks For understanding the complex interplay of ideas about 电影 艺术, 环境的理解, 以及国家认同. 英语授课.

    6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered 2024年冬 · 赛斯博地能源
  • 212年细菌: 全球背景下的当代德国

    在过去的几年里, 德国被吹捧For欧洲的新领袖, 甚至是“自由世界”,” and at the same time has seen a surge of bitter political division within its borders. The Berlin Wall fell thirty years ago, yet tensions between East and West remain stark. Chancellor Angela Merkel implemented an open-arms policy toward refugees, yet the extremist AfD p艺术y has orchestrated a troubling rise to power based on xenophobic sentiments. 尽管德国已成For全球环保领袖, it has simultaneously faced passionate protest from its own youth regarding failure to meet the challenges of climate change. 在这个课堂上, we examine the complexities behind these seeming contradictions in contemporary 德国y by analyzing diverse texts ranging from political speeches to poetry slams. Taught in 德国; advanced grammar review supports analytical tasks.

    先决条件:德语204或同等学历 6 credits; Humanistic Inquiry, International Studies; offered 2024年冬 · 克洛伊·沃恩
  • 400年细菌: 综合练习

    研究跨时代或流派的德国文学的一个方面. 1-6 credit; S/NC; offered 2023年秋季, 2024年冬, 2024年春季


  • 103年细菌: 中间的德国

    Continuation of the study of complex structural patterns of the 德国 language, 以及阅读和讨论较长的文本, 电影, 以及其他来自德语文化的媒体.

    先决条件:德语102或同等学历 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2024年春季, 2024年春季 · 赛斯博地能源, 克洛伊·沃恩
  • 103年细菌: 中间的德国

    Continuation of the study of complex structural patterns of the 德国 language, 以及阅读和讨论较长的文本, 电影, 以及其他来自德语文化的媒体.

    先决条件:德语102或同等学历 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered 2024年春季, 2024年春季 · 赛斯博地能源, 克洛伊·沃恩
  • 247年细菌: 镜子,镜子:对童话和民间传说的反思

    Many people are familiar with the fairy tales collected and published by the Brothers Grimm and have seen iterations of such stories in animated Disney 电影 and live-action reboots. 在这个课堂上, 英语授课, 我们将严格审查民间故事, consider their role in shaping societal standards and how they spread specific values across cultures. We will study the origins of Grimms’ fairy tales beFore discussing their larger role across media 和文化s. Our study of traditional 德国 fairy tales will be inFormed by contemporary theoretical approaches including feminist theory, 生态批评, 心理学, 动物实验.

    6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered 2024年春季 · 克洛伊·沃恩
  • 261年细菌: 德国 Studies in Austria Program: Vienna Past and Present: The City as Text

    This class examines the history of Vienna and Austria (including the Austro-Hungarian Empire) through excursions to museums and memorials in the city. 这些历史是如何在城市的建筑中被记录下来的? 是什么样的机构使这些历史可见? How do museums and memorials in Vienna construct 历史 narratives and who is left out from these narratives? Site visits and excursions in Vienna and beyond present opportunities For comparative analysis.

    Prerequisites: P艺术icipation in 德国 Studies in Austria Program 6 credits; Humanistic Inquiry, International Studies; offered 2024年春季 · Kiley伤害
  • 262年细菌: 德国 Studies in Austria Program: Cultural History of Food and Drink in Vienna

    文化是什么?, 历史, 环境, 社会, and political Forces that shape our experience with food and drink? This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to learning about the important food and drink culture in Vienna and Austria. 参观城市的标志性市场, 酒馆, 生产商, 啤酒和咖啡能加深理解和语言技能.

    Prerequisites: P艺术icipation in 德国 Studies in Austria program 6 credits; Humanistic Inquiry, International Studies; offered 2024年春季 · Kiley伤害
  • 263年细菌: 奥地利德国研究项目:奥地利艺术与建筑

    在本课程中, 学生将探索奥地利艺术和建筑的演变, 了解特定艺术家, 时代, 和运动. 学生学习批判性地分析艺术和建筑, 将工作连接到奥地利, 欧洲, 以及全球背景. The class includes field trips to various museums and sites in Vienna.

    Prerequisites: P艺术icipation in 德国 Studies in Austria Program 6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered 2024年春季 · Kiley伤害
  • 322年细菌: 德国 Studies in Austria Program: Contemporary Austrian Literature and Cultural Production

    本课程的重点是当代奥地利文学, 剧院, 电影, 以及支持作家和艺术家的机构. 通过多媒体文本(小说), 电影, 剧院, 报纸), students encounter the cultural production and criticism of the moment while also strengthening 德国 language skills. 事件 at cultural institutions and 剧院s in Vienna enhance understanding of Vienna’s diverse cultural landscape today.

    先决条件:参加OCS奥地利计划 6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered 2024年春季 · Kiley伤害
  • 400年细菌: 综合练习

    研究跨时代或流派的德国文学的一个方面. 1-6 credit; S/NC; offered 2023年秋季, 2024年冬, 2024年春季